Tag Archive for: hope

English Classes Offered to Girls in Paraíso


Engadi’s English classes have continued to grow and deepen in Paraíso this summer. We now have enough of the boys within the Derek Program attending to offer classes all day on both Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Engadi Transformation Center. Seeing the tremendous response from these classes offered to the boys in Paraíso, Engadi felt burdened still to do more. In response, Engadi extended the offer of English classes to not only the boys being mentored in the Derek Program, but also to their sisters. Last week, Engadi held it’s first “girls only” class first thing in the morning before kicking off classes with the boys.


Several adolescent girls attended the classes taught by one of Engadi’s summer volunteers, Brenda. The girls learned basic English commands, some sight words, and also had time to peruse Engadi’s library of donated books. Through reaching out to the girls as well as boys living in Paraíso, Engadi hopes to continue bringing #hope and #brotherhood (or should we say #sisterhood for today?) to Paraíso!


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Summer Volunteers 2016

This Summer, we have been blessed with the help of three volunteers to partner with us throughout the months of June and July. We are thank fun for the abilities and talents that each of them brings to share with us this Summer, and want to introduce each one.


Brenda is from South Carolina and will be working with Engadi throughout July. She will be using her teaching expertise to focus on leading English classes for the boys in the Derek Program, organizing English classes in local elementary schools, and leading workshops for local teachers to better equip them in the classroom. We are thankful for her dedication to #engadi and the skills and wisdom she brings to share with us!


Our second volunteer joining us for the summer is Brooklyn. Brooklyn is also from South Carolina and will be working with us into the month of August. She will be designing the decor of the Benaiah Home, continuing the portrayal of Engadi’s vision in our team house and office, as well as helping host our two summer teams from the States in July. We are grateful for Brooklyn’s continued dedication to bringing #hope and #brotherhood to the boys of Paraíso this summer.


Our third volunteer that will be joining us for the summer is Connor. From Oklahoma, Connor is majoring in Construction Management, and will be working in Guatemala with Engadi Ministries until the beginning of August. Connor is focusing on finishing construction of the Benaiah Home furnishings, programming software for the ministry, and helping host the two teams that will be joining us this summer.

We are thankful for the devotion of each of these volunteers to the vision of Engadi Ministries, and ask your prayers over them for the rest of the time that they are here serving with us. Pray that God will protect each of them, and that each will be able to be used in a mighty way for His Kingdom in spite of cultural and language barriers.


If you would like more information on how you could intern with Engadi, check ways you can GET INVOLVED in the main menu!

Derek Retreat in Benaiah Home

This week, Engadi hosted it’s first ever retreat for boys in the Derek Program. Some of the oldest and most active boys in the program were invited to Engadi’s Benaiah Home for a three-day retreat. Six boys were able to attend the event and arrived to the house Tuesday afternoon. The retreat served several purposes, and much was accomplished during the time with the boys.



During the days, the young men had devotional and discipleship time together where Engadi’s Director of Discipleship, David Medina had prepared a series of messages with them during the time they were here. With a one-to-one ratio of boys to Engadi staff and volunteers, we were able to be attentive to the needs and concerns of each boy and spend precious time discipling each one.

Prayer time in the Benaiah Home

Prayer time in the Benaiah Home


Volunteer, Brenda Stephens teaching the young men how to give a three-point speech.

Volunteer, Brenda Stephens teaching the young men how to give a three-point speech.

Boys practiced giving three-point speeches to their peers

Boys practiced giving three-point speeches to their peers

Volunteer, Brenda Stephens also had a sequence of classes planned for the retreat with material covering, honoring God though career choices, how to choose a career, tips on giving presentations and doing job interviews, and general restaurant etiquette. The boys were attentive through each of the classes and at the end of the week were able to give presentations to their peers on their career of choice and how they planned on reaching their goal. We are very proud of the efforts they put forth through each of the classes and seeing #hope awakened in each boy.

Playing tug-of-war on the bad of the Benaiah House

Playing tug-of-war on the yard of the Benaiah House

Connor and Brooklyn handing out materials to begin a recreational activity

Connor and Brooklyn handing out materials to begin a recreational activity

Volunteers, Connor and Brooklyn headed up recreational activities throughout each day to give the boys a time to get energy out, build #brotherhood, and just be boys. The boys played a variety of games including tug-of-war, scavenger hunts, and creating contraptions for a two-story egg drop.




At nights, boys gathered together to watch movies in the Benaiah Home in including both Courageous and God’s Not Dead, both which almost every boy had never seen before. By the end of the two days, to say that the boys were worn out would be an understatement. Engadi is grateful for the opportunity and resources to host an event like this and deeply impact the lives of some of the boys that we have worked with the longest in Paraíso.

Settling in for the night to watch "God's Not Dead"

Settling in for the night to watch “God’s Not Dead”



The Derek Boys with Engadi Staff and Volunteers

Derek Group Outing to Scaled Relief Map

This week, the highest performing boys within Engadi’s Derek Group took a special outing to one of Guatemala City’s educational attractions- a scaled relief map of nations Guatemala and Belize. The map, which was created by explorer Francisco Vela at the beginning of the 20th century, is a 3D portrayal of both countries with mountains, volcanoes, cities, and rivers all labeled. It was a great way of the boys, who rarely have the opportunity to leave Guatemala City, to learn more about their nation and realize how much more there is to Guatemala than what they might be aware.

After viewing the map, the boys went to a nearby park to share a snack and just be kids! The #brotherhood spent time throwing a frisbee, playing on the playground, and of course, striking up a pickup soccer game. The boys also spent meaningful one-on-one time with the Engadi staff and interns. We are proud of each of these boys, and the commitment they have put into their discipleship groups, community service, and the Derek Group as a whole.


Evidences of Hope- #3


Engadi has recently initiated English classes as another way to bring #hope to Paraíso. While learning a second language may be a leisure pursuit for some, to the boys in Paraíso it could lead to new job opportunities, even some that they otherwise would have been disqualified from due to the neighborhood in which they were raised. In fact, in some careers in Guatemala, having a basic knowledge of the English language could almost double an employee’s pay.


We have witnessed the renewed #hope and confidence these classes give the boys within the Derek Program as they strive to reach perfection in their class grades- dancing to every perfect score they get and being dissatisfied with any score below. These opportunities will allow the Derek Boys to be able to pursue their dreams, giving them even more possible breakthroughs to become Godly leaders to their families, community, nation, and church.


Engadi Initiates English Classes in Paraíso

This week, Engadi piloted new typing and English classes for the boys in the Derek Program. Young men who had a desire to improve their skills in either of these areas were invited to classes led by Engadi staff members in the Engadi Transformation Center. Most of these boys do not have regular access to computers, and having even weekly classes on computers will help them gain skills that will be valuable when they begin seeking employment in the future. In addition, having knowledge of the English language can possibly augment, if not double, the salary that they are qualified to earn in many job markets in Guatemala.

More importantly, the classes give boys a time of one-on-one mentorship, encouragement, and discipleship with Engadi staff. The boys’ faces couldn’t hide their excitement and contentment to have a focused time of attention and learning with an adult they trusted.

Engadi is excited to expand the scope of the Derek Program that we are able to extend to boys in Paraíso who are motivated to succeed in spite of their current situation. These classes are scheduled to continue twice a week throughout the summer months for boys who are interested. Check back periodically for updates and photos of the classes throughout the summer!

#engadi #hope #brotherhood

Education In Guatemala

Guatemala’s educational system is one of the poorest, and arguably one of the worst in Central America. Although literacy and schooling rates are growing nationwide, the country as a whole still lags behind most other Central American nations, and Paraíso is no exception. Nearly one quarter of the country’s population is illiterate, and many kids drop out of school at a young age to begin helping provide for their family, whether it be working to make a few dollars a day or taking care of younger siblings while parents work. Only about one-third of children will continue their education beyond sixth grade.


It is for these reasons that Engadi Ministries places a high emphasis on improving education as a whole in Paraíso. Through a yearly scholarship program Engadi provides school supplies to families, teachers, and faculty who otherwise couldn’t afford them. We also provide periodical classes to educate and create a #brotherhood between teachers and also provide them with resources to enhance the educational experience of students. Over the past several years Engadi has also focused on cleaning up and repainting schools to provide an atmosphere of #hope where children can learn. Through these means as well as other programs that are still being developed, Engadi hopes to improve the overall education in Paraíso, making it an exception to Guatemalan statistics, and giving children a bright future full of opportunities.



Statistics from: http://www.globaleducationfund.org/guatemala/

ETC Inspirational Mural

This week, while the majority of the team from Clayton King Ministries was busy doing outreach in local elementary schools and hosting events on Paraíso’s main soccer field, a special team of artists within the team was working on a special project within the Engadi Transformation Center. Mixing their own colors of paint using only a few basic colors, the team created a beautiful mural in the main classroom of the Engadi Transformation Center!


The center of the mural features Engadi’s signature “Oak of Righteousness” based off of Isaiah 61:1-6. Beside the oak are Engadi’s guiding values of Hope and Brotherhood written in Spanish.


The right third of the mural features a typical Guatemalan style pueblo with a backdrop of one of Guatemala’s many volcanoes. At the center is a church surrounded by homes and other small businesses.


On the far left side of the painting is a more modern city featuring a hospital, fire station, bank, and crane to signify new development. The city is surrounded by a busy highway of cars trucks and buses. The old and new communities represent the mix of cultures in Guatemala and the vast options that each of the children in Paraíso have for careers, homes, and community life when they grow up. The mural delivers a message to the children who will be using the center that they are capable of anything with God when they put their minds to it. Across the bottom, tying the sections together is painted, “Be strong and brave and do not fear.” Joshua 1:9.

The team did an awesome job on the mural! It very clearly delivers a message of #hope and #brotherhood to all who will be using the ETC for classes and community events. Thank you Clayton King Ministries for this awesome work of art!


New Paint for the Transformation Center

The team from Clayton King Ministries spent their last workday in Paraíso painting the Engadi Transformation Center, Engadi’s physical center within the community. Throughout the day, the team painted almost the entire interior and exterior of the building giving it a whole new look. The team cleaned and brightened the walls with a bright yellow paint that closely resembles the colors used in other work Engadi has done within the community such as painting the local schools. Their work really brightened up the center, and with just a new coat of paint, the building now has a new sense of #hope and #brotherhood upon entering the door. We are excited to continue our community events and classes within the walls of the ETC, and are excited for the community to see and experience the changes that the team brought to the center.

Outreach Weekend in Paraíso

Leading worship through English and Spanish songs for the community

Leading worship through English and Spanish songs for the community

Over the weekend, with the help of Clayton King Ministries, Engadi Ministries hosted an outreach weekend in Paraíso.  Several hundred children and families were in attendance throughout the weekend, and had the opportunity to hear the Gospel through testimonies, skits, and messages by Clayton King.

Sharie and Clayton King playing with children in Paraíso Guatemala

Sharie and Clayton King playing with children in Paraíso Guatemala

Saturday’s activities formed an all-day event that started out with activities and free play at Paraíso’s main soccer stadium. Activities included salvation bracelets, nail-painting for girls, face painting, and of course, pick-up soccer matches.



The kids loved the salvation bracelets made by the team.

The kids loved the salvation bracelets made by the team.








After the children and families had spent time playing and getting to know the team, everyone settled into the stadium to hear testimonies, watch skits, and hear a special messages from Clayton and Sharie King. All in attendance were invited to a local church near Paraíso where the team would be attending the next morning. Several people attended the church for the first time Sunday morning!

Leading worship through English and Spanish songs in Paraíso

Leading worship through English and Spanish songs in Paraíso

Having fun with the inflatables on Sunday afternoon

Having fun with the inflatables on Sunday afternoon


Sharing testimonies to the community in Paraíso

Sharing testimonies to the community in Paraíso

Sharing God's word with the community through skits

Sharing God’s word with the community through skits




Sharing testimonies to the community in Paraíso

Sharing testimonies to the community in Paraíso












Sharie and Clayton King sharing the Gospel with the community in Paraíso

Sharie and Clayton King sharing the Gospel with the community in Paraíso

Clayton King delivering a message to the community on Saturday

Clayton King delivering a message to the community on Saturday













On Sunday, the team hosted a fun family festival which included inflatables for the kids, jumping rope, parachute games, and nail painting. At the end of the day, a message was shared by Clayton King to all who were in attendance. To close out the weekend, the team gave thanks to God through prayer in front of the community, and popsicles were shared with all!

Having fun with the inflatables on Sunday afternoon

Having fun with the inflatables on Sunday afternoon

Jump rope competitions in Paraíso

Jump rope competitions in Paraíso








#hope #brotherhood #engadi

#hope #brotherhood #engadi

Showing Christ's love to the least, the lost, and the forgotten of Guatemala

Showing Christ’s love to the least, the lost, and the forgotten of Guatemala








Clayton King preached Sunday's afternoon message to the community.

Clayton King preached Sunday’s afternoon message to the community.

Making Salvation bracelets for children in Paraíso

Making Salvation bracelets for children in Paraíso

Showing Christ's love to the least, the lost, and the forgotten of Guatemala

Showing Christ’s love to the least, the lost, and the forgotten of Guatemala

Happiness from being pampered and having paired toenails!

Happiness from being pampered and having paired toenails!

Sunday closed with popsicles for all of the children!

Sunday closed with popsicles for all of the children!

Engadi thanks Clayton King Ministries for making this weekend outreach a success in Paraíso. We are humbled to continue to be able to share Christ’s love to Paraíso and bring legacy and restoration to the community through #hope and #brotherhood.
