Hard Work Instead of the Beach

Asbury Spring Break Mission Trip

1 John 2:14 I have written to you who are God’s children because you know the Father. I have written to you who are mature in the faith because you know Christ, who existed from the beginning.I have written to you who are young in the faith because you are strong. God’s word lives in your hearts, and you have won your battle with the evil one. 

The high school seniors from Asbury United Methodist church in Tulsa, Ok decided to consecrate their lives for Jesus and serve Him with all of their strength. A Group 68 teenagers  and leaders looked like a mighty army.  They chose to spend their Spring Break not at the beach nor at their homes playing some video games, but behind a wheelbarrow carrying gravel and sand, building up a sweat as they served the Paraíso Neighborhood.

Sunday we started the week off with a Family Festival.  It allowed the team the chance to get into the neighborhood and interact with the kids.  Some unwanted neighbors have moved into the area and the team took time to pray.  

Engadi is assisting one of the local public school by building 4 more classrooms so they will have room for more students. Our desire and out goal is to impact the community as a whole.  Asbury’s team poured the second floor concrete slab on the second of four classrooms we are building in the Paraíso Neighborhood’s public schools.  They also poured the foundation for the third classroom. 


Thursday before taking time to go enjoy Lake Atitlan the team did a prayer walk around the soccer field. They prayed for Engadi’s leadership, its provision, protection from evil and future for the kids of the Paraíso Neighborhood.  God is working in amazing ways! 



What a blessing to see these young people pour their lives into the community.  Thank you for coming and being a part of Engadi! Come back soon!

Engadi Back to School

Schools are a bridge to the community.  The Paraíso Neighborhood has four elementary schools with different levels of need.  By investing in the children we are helping them grow towards a brighter future. The academic school year in Guatemala starts in January and ends in October. Whether it be a single parent or there are multiple siblings, sometimes up to 8 kids in school, buying supplies for the kids is always a challenge. 

Engadi has developed a School Supply Program to help bring relief to these families.  Every year we reached between 50 to 60 families that represents about 120 kids that receive their school supplies bag. As more families hear about how our School Supply Program work more families want to get involved.  The numbers are constantly growing.

Having the supplies you need to learn is something many time we take for granted.  Putting these items in their hands at the beginning of they year can greatly impact their lives. 

Thank you to everyone that donated throughout the year! 

How does the program work?

Engadi invites parents to sign up at the beginning of the school year for the School Supply Program so they may obtain the benefit for the next school year. With the With this Program we hope to achieve three main aspects of our ministry within the community: 

  • Community Transformation: When parents sign up for the program they commit to work 20 hours of Community Service within the school their kids attend, or within their neighborhood. 
  • Family Transformation: Parents, also, have to attend four out of twelve Bible based value classes offered at the Engadi Center.  These classes help them learn how to be better parents and spouses.
  • Poverty Transformation: We don’t want to just give things away which can create dependency.  We want the families to buy into their own community. Requiring parents to complete 20 hours of Community Service and attending the 4 value classes they feel a part of the transformation in their own community.  They also become a living example to their kids.

Get Involved 

Here is a suggested list of school supplies you can collect along with your church, organization, or mission team Here is a suggested list of school supplies you can collect along with your church, organization, or mission team 

Student Supplies

Spiral Notebooks with Graph, Lined, Double-lined, and Blank pages.

Elmer’s Glue: Small Bottles or Glue Sticks


#2 Pencils

Pencil Sharpeners

Kids Scissors

Pens (Red, Black & Blue)


Color Pencils (Box of 12)

Crayons (Small individual boxes)

Color Markers (Box of 12)

Colored Paper

Geometric Rulers

Teacher Supplies

Hole Punch



Whiteboard Markers & Erasers

Permanent Markers

Adult Scissors

Reward Stickers

Manila Folders with clamps

Tape – Masking & Clear

3-Ring Binders

Modeling Clay

Post-it Notes


Loose leaf paper – Blank and lined

Scientific calculator

The Hidden Work of Trenching

Newspring Church, Anderson, SC

Spirit of Service, that is a good way to describe the the personality of every Newspring team member. On Monday morning they started by giving ESL conversational classes at the GIF English Academy.  GIF comes to the Engadi Center every week to teach English to our Derek Boys. 

Guatemala is known for its volcanoes.  Over the years the ash from those volcanos has mixed with the clay in the ground to form an extremely hard soil called, “talpetate”.  This team had the privilege of digging trenches for the sewer and water lines.  After a hard week of work we laid the pipe and filled in the hole.  It would seem as if they had done no work.  

Just like the work done in the trenches, Jesus is at work deep inside the Derek boys in ways that we may not see, yet.  We must lay pipes to bring the Living Water into their lives and flush the filth out. 

Another part of the team helped build some retaining walls to secure the backside of Classroom 1.  Little by little this project is coming together.  Their help in the construction project at the school is vital for the continued progress in the months to come. 


Thank you for working so hard: 

Haley Banfield

Supervising the job-site

Jake Beaty

Justin Brock

Kelly Broome

Mark Cornell

Glenn Dannelly

Molly Dannelly

Gabriella Lacouture

Sarah Meeks

James Walker

Sydney Wortham

Charisse Reichenbach

Testosterone, Ropes Course & Hard work

Avenue Men’s Team

This title sounds like a squad of special forces! In fact, they are SPECIAL FORCES.  They are spearheading all the projects we have this year at Engadi


Our friends from Avenue Church in Waxahachie TX sent their brave and always willing Men’s Team.  This time they took on the challenge of the pouring an over 750ft2 concrete slab for one of the classrooms we are building in the Paraíso Neighborhood’s public schools.  Once you start pouring a slab you can’t stop.  Nine men, a concrete mixer, a pulley, lots of buckets and some Derek Boys worked hard to get the job done before the sun went down.  At 4:30 PM MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!  Incredible!  The contractor stood in awe of how quickly the job finished with so few hands working.  NO question about it, once again the Avenue Men’s Team has set the bar very high.  Thank you for your investment in the kids of Zone 18!



To unwind and relax the team took a day trip to the Fuente Georginas Hot Springs near Quetzaltenango.  Well worth the drive! 


Special Thanks to :

1. Mark Miller

2. Justin Burns

3. Dwayne Whitten

4. Paul Burton

5. Dale Sigler

6. Tim Gilmore

7. Corey Navarro

8. Josh Tompkins 

9. Will Oliver

English Classes Offered to Girls in Paraíso


Engadi’s English classes have continued to grow and deepen in Paraíso this summer. We now have enough of the boys within the Derek Program attending to offer classes all day on both Tuesdays and Thursdays at the Engadi Transformation Center. Seeing the tremendous response from these classes offered to the boys in Paraíso, Engadi felt burdened still to do more. In response, Engadi extended the offer of English classes to not only the boys being mentored in the Derek Program, but also to their sisters. Last week, Engadi held it’s first “girls only” class first thing in the morning before kicking off classes with the boys.


Several adolescent girls attended the classes taught by one of Engadi’s summer volunteers, Brenda. The girls learned basic English commands, some sight words, and also had time to peruse Engadi’s library of donated books. Through reaching out to the girls as well as boys living in Paraíso, Engadi hopes to continue bringing #hope and #brotherhood (or should we say #sisterhood for today?) to Paraíso!


IMG_3687 IMG_3682

New Paint for the Transformation Center

The team from Clayton King Ministries spent their last workday in Paraíso painting the Engadi Transformation Center, Engadi’s physical center within the community. Throughout the day, the team painted almost the entire interior and exterior of the building giving it a whole new look. The team cleaned and brightened the walls with a bright yellow paint that closely resembles the colors used in other work Engadi has done within the community such as painting the local schools. Their work really brightened up the center, and with just a new coat of paint, the building now has a new sense of #hope and #brotherhood upon entering the door. We are excited to continue our community events and classes within the walls of the ETC, and are excited for the community to see and experience the changes that the team brought to the center.

Outreach Weekend in Paraíso

Leading worship through English and Spanish songs for the community

Leading worship through English and Spanish songs for the community

Over the weekend, with the help of Clayton King Ministries, Engadi Ministries hosted an outreach weekend in Paraíso.  Several hundred children and families were in attendance throughout the weekend, and had the opportunity to hear the Gospel through testimonies, skits, and messages by Clayton King.

Sharie and Clayton King playing with children in Paraíso Guatemala

Sharie and Clayton King playing with children in Paraíso Guatemala

Saturday’s activities formed an all-day event that started out with activities and free play at Paraíso’s main soccer stadium. Activities included salvation bracelets, nail-painting for girls, face painting, and of course, pick-up soccer matches.



The kids loved the salvation bracelets made by the team.

The kids loved the salvation bracelets made by the team.








After the children and families had spent time playing and getting to know the team, everyone settled into the stadium to hear testimonies, watch skits, and hear a special messages from Clayton and Sharie King. All in attendance were invited to a local church near Paraíso where the team would be attending the next morning. Several people attended the church for the first time Sunday morning!

Leading worship through English and Spanish songs in Paraíso

Leading worship through English and Spanish songs in Paraíso

Having fun with the inflatables on Sunday afternoon

Having fun with the inflatables on Sunday afternoon


Sharing testimonies to the community in Paraíso

Sharing testimonies to the community in Paraíso

Sharing God's word with the community through skits

Sharing God’s word with the community through skits




Sharing testimonies to the community in Paraíso

Sharing testimonies to the community in Paraíso












Sharie and Clayton King sharing the Gospel with the community in Paraíso

Sharie and Clayton King sharing the Gospel with the community in Paraíso

Clayton King delivering a message to the community on Saturday

Clayton King delivering a message to the community on Saturday













On Sunday, the team hosted a fun family festival which included inflatables for the kids, jumping rope, parachute games, and nail painting. At the end of the day, a message was shared by Clayton King to all who were in attendance. To close out the weekend, the team gave thanks to God through prayer in front of the community, and popsicles were shared with all!

Having fun with the inflatables on Sunday afternoon

Having fun with the inflatables on Sunday afternoon

Jump rope competitions in Paraíso

Jump rope competitions in Paraíso








#hope #brotherhood #engadi

#hope #brotherhood #engadi

Showing Christ's love to the least, the lost, and the forgotten of Guatemala

Showing Christ’s love to the least, the lost, and the forgotten of Guatemala








Clayton King preached Sunday's afternoon message to the community.

Clayton King preached Sunday’s afternoon message to the community.

Making Salvation bracelets for children in Paraíso

Making Salvation bracelets for children in Paraíso

Showing Christ's love to the least, the lost, and the forgotten of Guatemala

Showing Christ’s love to the least, the lost, and the forgotten of Guatemala

Happiness from being pampered and having paired toenails!

Happiness from being pampered and having paired toenails!

Sunday closed with popsicles for all of the children!

Sunday closed with popsicles for all of the children!

Engadi thanks Clayton King Ministries for making this weekend outreach a success in Paraíso. We are humbled to continue to be able to share Christ’s love to Paraíso and bring legacy and restoration to the community through #hope and #brotherhood.


Engadi Partners with Clayton King Ministries

This week is a very special week for Engadi Ministries Intl, as we are hosting our very first team from Clayton King Ministries. The week will be focused on working within the school system of Paraíso as well as hosting evangelistic community development events throughout the weekend. To top if off, we are pleased to have Clayton King, himself joining the team to share the Gospel message in Paraíso over the next several days.


Yesterday, the team had an overall great day working in the largest elementary school in the area. In both the morning and afternoon sessions, Clayton King shared the Gospel with parents of students, where God provided an awesome turnout of several hundred parents throughout the day. The parents were extremely interactive and responsive to the message delivered, and those who dedicated their lives to Christ were encouraged to follow up with a local church or with an Engadi staff ember within Engadi’s Transformation Center which is located just across the street from the school. To close out the day, Clayton shared the Gospel with older children who were finishing up their school day that evening. The children were also quite interactive and loved having a guest speaker from the U.S. share his heart with them.


Evidence of Hope- #2

Recently, David, Manuel, and James met with Leonso, a close friend of Engadi’s and a supporter of the change within Paraíso. During the meeting, Leonso took time to thank Engadi for their involvement in the community, and went on to report that this soccer season, there are 50% more teams enrolled in the league he directs in Paraíso. He attributes this change to the overall drop in violent crime in the area, and has #hope for even more involvement in community recreation in the future!


Long time friend of Engadi, and supporter of change in Paraíso, Leonso.

Long time friend of Engadi, and supporter of change in Paraíso, Leonso.

Watkinsville Finishes Workweek

Yesterday, the Watkinsville high school team finished up their workweek in Paraíso. The team of one nine individuals finished all of the major playground structures, and neighbors and local residents are thrilled! You can sense the renewed feeling of #hope within the neighborhood almost instantly. The team did awesome work on the playground, and as you can see in the photos, they were constantly joined by local children who couldn’t wait to play on the playground. We encourage you to take a moment and check out their work in the photos above!

Today the team will spend their free day hiking an active volcano here in Guatemala before heading back to the States tomorrow. Thank you, Watkinsville students, for spending your spring break bringing glory to the Father through your service!
