Turning Bottles to Cans-
The boys involved in #Engadi’s Derek Program are committed to bringing #hope to their neighborhood through serving. Over the past several weeks, the Derek boys scavenged their community for plastic bottles littering the ground that they would be able to repurpose. They worked together turning the collection of bottles into a collection of cans- trash cans, that is.
This past week, the boys painted power poles at a local soccer field in Paraíso and attached the newly fashioned trash cans to the poles. Each boy will be responsible for maintaining the can that he made and emptying it as needed. Through this service, the boys hope to hope to convert the image of a derelict, polluted soccer field to a safer, litter-free common area that families can enjoy together.
Together, the #brotherhood of young men are restoring their community and creating a legacy step by step.
#engadiministries #esperanza #hermandad