Tag Archive for: intern

Summer Volunteers 2016

This Summer, we have been blessed with the help of three volunteers to partner with us throughout the months of June and July. We are thank fun for the abilities and talents that each of them brings to share with us this Summer, and want to introduce each one.


Brenda is from South Carolina and will be working with Engadi throughout July. She will be using her teaching expertise to focus on leading English classes for the boys in the Derek Program, organizing English classes in local elementary schools, and leading workshops for local teachers to better equip them in the classroom. We are thankful for her dedication to #engadi and the skills and wisdom she brings to share with us!


Our second volunteer joining us for the summer is Brooklyn. Brooklyn is also from South Carolina and will be working with us into the month of August. She will be designing the decor of the Benaiah Home, continuing the portrayal of Engadi’s vision in our team house and office, as well as helping host our two summer teams from the States in July. We are grateful for Brooklyn’s continued dedication to bringing #hope and #brotherhood to the boys of Paraíso this summer.


Our third volunteer that will be joining us for the summer is Connor. From Oklahoma, Connor is majoring in Construction Management, and will be working in Guatemala with Engadi Ministries until the beginning of August. Connor is focusing on finishing construction of the Benaiah Home furnishings, programming software for the ministry, and helping host the two teams that will be joining us this summer.

We are thankful for the devotion of each of these volunteers to the vision of Engadi Ministries, and ask your prayers over them for the rest of the time that they are here serving with us. Pray that God will protect each of them, and that each will be able to be used in a mighty way for His Kingdom in spite of cultural and language barriers.


If you would like more information on how you could intern with Engadi, check ways you can GET INVOLVED in the main menu!