Are you a young adult looking for a way to serve others? A college student looking to maximize your summer vacation and honor God at the same time? Have you been on a mission trip with Engadi Ministries before and want to learn how to get more involved?
Engadi Ministries hosts internships in Guatemala where you will be able to use your unique talents to serve God and others while partaking in a once-in-a-lifetime adventure in Guatemala. Internships are a great way for young singles to get involved in what God is doing in Guatemala, help lead teams from across the United States and immerse yourself in another beautiful culture. Engadi Ministries is in constant need for interns, especially during the summer months when we are saturated with teams and community out reach. Specific dates will be discussed once your application is approved.
Committing a few months of your life to an internship with Engadi Ministries could be an opportunity for you to listen, grow closer to, and discern God’s calling in your life, develop personal leadership skills, and at the same time, serve the less-fortunate than you. If you are interested in partaking in an internship with Engadi Ministries fill out the application below. If you have questions about whether an internship is right for you, please contact us at
Serving with Engadi as an intern is a lot different than serving on a short-term mission team. The short-term teams are carted around in team vans and catered to by team cooks. You stay at the team house where your bathroom is cleaned, fresh towels are put out, and your linens are washed once you leave. It is an incredible introduction to missions! As an Intern, however, you are responsible for yourself. Whether you are here for a summer or for a year it is your responsibility to take care of your own needs. You’ll most likely not be able to stay at the team house. We will assist you in finding proper housing in a safe neighborhood, and advise you on how to get around. Depending on your length of stay we do recommend a personal vehicle for stays longer than a couple months. Uber is readily available. You’ll do your own shopping, cooking and cleaning.
Serving with Engadi is an incredible opportunity. It greatly depends, however, on what you put into it. As an Intern you get the chance to build deeper relationships with the people we serve at the Engadi Center. You will interact with multiple mission teams and get a vision for what the greater body of Christ is like as churches from different states and different denominations come down to work alongside Engadi. You can sit back and be quiet and not interact, or you can jump all in, learn, experience and grow in the Body of Christ. The more you serve, the more rewarded you’ll feel. The more Spanish you try to learn, the greater depth of conversations and friendship you’ll find. It all depends on you.
Serving with Engadi is a lot harder than coming on a short-term trip. The intern’s job is to serve the teams that come. That means that you have to be ready to work before they get up, and after they go to bed you prep for the next day. When something goes array in the middle of the night, you are the one they call. Between teams there are times of rest, although in the summer we may have back-to-back teams.
Serving with Engadi is special. By living in Guatemala for longer than a week you get to experience the culture more than most will. You’ll have a chance to improve your Spanish. If you’re adventurous, when teams aren’t here maybe you can go explore the beauty of Guatemala outside of the City.
God created you with unique gifts and talents. It is wonderful that you can use those gifts here in Guatemala. As the body of Christ we were all given gifts that others may not possess, for some it’s preaching, others writing, some are artistic, some logical. Without the many parts, we wouldn’t have a whole. Just because it may seem that everyone else is good at the same thing it doesn’t mean that you have to do that as well, be yourself, use your gifts, and glorify the Lord through it. Let us know how God is leading you to serve in Engadi. Our desire for the interns is that they would gain new insights into what God is doing in His kingdom through their service at Engadi. Engadi is inviting you to use your gifts and talents for a season of your life. Here are some areas where we need help, but we’re open to discuss other ideas.


Engadi’s main source of communication is our ability to update people through social media. If you are gifted in this area we could use you to come assist in helping us become more proficient in maintaining communication with those that support us.
Do you have a keen eye for design or creative means of presenting ideas? We could use your help in formulating our vision, fundraising and communication on paper and on the web. How do we get what we want to accomplish and what we need out to those that can help?
Must be a Christian and in agreement with Engadi’s Statement of Faith.
Age requirement
You need to be 18 or older to serve with Engadi as a volunteer intern.
Pastoral approval
Recommendation Letter from your Pastor.
We do not require language proficiency, but better if you do speak some Spanish.
Able to financially live independently on your own. At this moment Engadi does not have a specific facility for interns, but we can help you in the process of finding a temporary home.
Experience Have participated in at least one short-term mission trip to Guatemala with Engadi Ministries.
One of the hardest things to do is to ask for help. We each want to be self-sufficient. God didn’t create us to be “one man armies”. We are a body in Christ and together we are to share the gospel. Once you decide you want to come to Guatemala begin to make a list of people that could potentially be your supporters
Budgeting Wisely
Each intern is responsible for themselves and their own expenses. Engadi will help guide you and direct you so you are not alone in the process.
Your budget depends heavily on your lifestyle and personal choices. Rent, for example, varies on where you choose to live and whether you share the apartment with someone else. Most interns that come for 3-6 months choose to rent a furnished AirBnB. Their monthly rent may be higher, but their set up cost is less. Your basic expenses are going to be lodging, transportation, medical insurance and food. You may need some extra fun $ if you want to do any touristy stuff on your days off. You need to factor in your flight down and back, too. Below is a simply budget to give you an idea of what to expect.
Individual Budget Approximately $1,700 per month
Monthly Averages
- Tithe - $170
- Housing - $400 to $650
- This is for housing in a safe neighborhood away from Z18.
- Utilities - $150
- Electricity, Water, Sewer, Internet, and a cell phone plan.
- Groceries and Food - $225
- Medical Insurance - varies on coverage, $75 to $200
- Recreation - $100 to $150
- Auto expenses (whether you own a vehicle, or rely on Uber) - $200
- Miscellaneous - $50 to $125
- Repairs, consumables, clothing, etc.
One time costs
- Airline Tickets - varies significantly on location, $400 to $1000 per round trip
- Vehicle purchase - varies significantly on preference, $4,000 to $10,000
- IMPORTANT! Purchasing a vehicle requires a NIT number. A NIT is a number assigned by the Superintendency of Tax Administration (SAT) in Guatemala to each taxpayer. While obtaining a NIT is not necessary to serve with Engadi, it does provide one key benefit to anyone staying long term: it allows you to legally purchase a vehicle in Guatemala. It is also required to open a non-prepaid cell phone contract, and sometimes required when renting a house. We recommend that you arrange to apply for a NIT if staying more than 6 months.
- Car insurance - $200/year for liability, $1,000/year for full coverage
- Visa Paperwork - $75 every 90 days, if you do not leave the country
- Some families fly home or out of Guatemala for the summer and/or Christmas. If your family chooses to do this, each trip out of the country will satisfy visa requirements.
- Not needed if staying less than 3 months.
- Household Setup – $2,000 to $4,000
- Most homes for rent come unfurnished, without appliances.
- Unnecessary if renting an AirBnB.
Engadi works in extremely rough neighborhoods infested with drugs and gangs. Due to security concerns, we must accept multiple female interns in a given season in order to maintain the utmost safety. If multiple females do not apply in a given season, you may be deferred to a future timeframe to accommodate these safety protocols. We accept applications from many parts of the USA. All female interns don’t have to come from the same location. There could be a female from South Carolina, Texas, Oklahoma, as long as they are all coming for the same timeframe. During your time in Guatemala female interns will only travel in and out of the Paraíso neighborhood while being escorted by an Engadi staff member.