2017 Engadi Year-End Update | Hope Overcomes Poverty & Violence

This year felt chaotic to many people around the world. Confusion. Division. Fear. Did you feel the same way?

With that feeling in mind, try for a moment to imagine the oppressive sense of chaos, confusion, and fear that a child living in Zone 18 of Guatemala City endures. We’ve been heartbroken this year as we’ve seen illness, death, a boy lured in by a gang, and other seeming victories for the Enemy.

It’s overwhelming, isn’t it? Yet…

…we have SEEN the hope and victory that is in Jesus Christ! We’ve had the joy of sharing His hope in 2017.

  • 6 young men in our Derek Program follow Jesus as their personal Lord and Savior this year!
  • Our school sponsorships allowed 3 young men to attend high school outside the neighborhood (there are no high schools in the area)
  • Over 40 families enrolled in Family Values classes at our renovated Community Center
  • We organized medical clinics, which saw over 170 patients

The victory is His! I’m asking, if you have any room left, please consider loving on Engadi today for #YearEndGiving. Even one dollar will make a difference! (Click here for a convenient one-time gift. Or give monthly.)

Speaking to you plainly, the work here is difficult. But it is more important and more fulfilling than we can adequately express! We will not give up on these boys as long as we’re able to fight on with your support and God’s grace. In 2018, we’re prayerfully preparing to:

  • sponsor another 13 boys’ high school education outside the neighborhood
  • complete construction on new school classrooms inside the Paradise neighborhood, connecting with dozens of new students and training faculty to improve local education
  • expand our outreach inside the “Ratonera” (the Rat’s Nest), an especially dark part of Zone 18 which God is finally allowing us to access to reach new families and young men
  • continue to increase our medical outreach through specialized teams and systems

Would you consider making a donation of any amount you are able today?

Nathan Hardeman & the Engadi Board
Engadi Ministries Intl.
*Registered 501(c)(3) non-profit organization
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